I've mentioned before that I still long for those Middle Eastern flavours while stranded here on Her Majesty's Rainy Shores. The ones below are extremely simple and tasty, either as a light snack on a Sunday, or to serve to guests before a meal. Serve these with real arabic bread, the big flat variety which you can find in most good Arabic/Ethnic Supermarkets, the 'pita' you get in chain supermarkets is rubbish compared to it.
Tahini Dip
- 1/2 Cup Tahini (Arabic Sesame Paste, available in Arabic Supermarkets)
- 4 Heaped Tablespoons of Greek Yoghurt
- 1 Garlic Clove
- Juice of one Whole Lemon
- Optional Fresh Parsley to Garnish
- Sea Salt to Taste
Arnabeet Meklah (Fried Cauliflower)
- One Head of Cauliflower
- Sea Salt
- Oil for Frying
- Optional Fresh Lemon Juice
Slice up the cauliflower into florets. Shallow fry in hot oil, cook till nicely browned and a little crispy in places. Pat down and dry off oil. Sprinkle with Sea Salt (and optional lemon). Serve with Tahini Dip and warmed Arabic Bread. It's cheap too!
Tip for the Lazy: Most UK Chain Supermarkets sell a Tahini brand called 'Cypressa' if you can't make it to an Arabic shop.